Champion Chiropractic Center Inc.
320 E Dalby Rd, Ste E
Union, WA 98592
2405 Evergreen Park Dr. SW, Ste B-1
Olympia, WA 98502
Beginning Muscle Testing
11 CEU
Are you interested in learning a new skill to better help you help your clients?
Are you ready to go to the next level in your practice and income?
Then it’s time to learn beginning muscle testing techniques!
This two day class, hosted by Champion Chiropractic Center, will teach you beginning muscle testing techniques that allows you to be a better provider. You will be able to help your clients achieve greater health in a shorter amount of time which allows you to see more clients in a day.
You will learn:
The history of muscle testing.
Who and what can be tested and when you need an assistant to muscle test.
The positions of testing.
How to connect with your client before you begin testing.
How to have more effective communication with the client.
How to help the client get in touch with themselves.
You will learn how to test all of the human organs.
You will learn how to build your confidence as a muscle tester.
You will learn how to take a more detailed and informed history.
How to prioritize what is most important to assist the client’s health.
How to find the right supplements, herbs, homeopathy or lifestyle changes that are needed to help the client improve their health.
How to create a protocol for your clients.
How to dose supplements, herbs and homeopathy for clients to achieve optimal health.
How to set up follow-up care with the client to ensure repeated business.
How to care for the muscle testing practitioner.
You will have active hands on practice throughout the day.
This is a hands-on class. You will be working during 2/3rds of the class time. Be prepared.
Following this course you will know how to:
Test for a locked arm
Test all major organs of the body
What supplements, herbs, homeopathy or lifestyle changes are needed to assist the client in improved health
Create an affordable protocol for the client with dosages
Set up follow-up office visits
Check with your association for approval of the 11 CEU Hours
What to bring to the event:
You will be responsible for all of your snacks and meals. There are local grocery stores and restaurants nearby.
Notebook, highlighter, pen, sticky notes or sticky flags
Wear comfortable clothing and shoes
Parking at our office is free
4 weeks prior to event 100% refund
1 week prior to event 50% refund